Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The last week and a half have been rediculously busy . . . I am hoping it isn't like this until Christmas!! We had a good Thanksgiving, we were with the McFeaters for lunch (Bailey took a 3 hour 20 minute nap there - an all time record and in a pack-n-play at that!!). Then for dinner we went to the Hostetter's. The plan was to leave the McFeaters around 2 to get Bryce home for a nap, but since Bailey was snoozing away Bryce didn't get a nap. He did pretty good but I can tell it is catching up with him, he is taking pretty good naps these day! Friday, I didn't join the nuts out there until later in the afternoon (instead we went to get our Christmas tree in the morning). I went to Staples to get a desk (which was an awesome deal) only to find out that I could have stayed at home and ordered it online b/c they ship it free regardless! Monday morning I had a dentist appointment and I took Bryce with me b/c he will have to go soon (new thing, they want to see children at age 1 or within 6 months of getting there first tooth - dumb but I held out til 2-1/2!). He did really good watching me and playing in the corner of the room! Tuesday, I had Lindsay but while she was at preschool my mom and I went to Hornings for some groceries. Shortly after we got home the desk that I ordered on Friday came, I couldn't wait to start putting it together but I had to wait til after lunch and Bryce and Bailey were napping. So that is what I did . . . Lindsay helped (I stayed up til 12:30 working on it and then continued this morning and I just finished now!). Then I made a big purchase on eBay . . . we got a Rainbow (a little less then a year old, newest model for a grand total of $540!!). Last night we went to my parents to check out Ryan's deer. Tonight we have AWANA, which I have to teach, so I must go and study!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

What a busy weekend!!!! Last Thursday night, we went to Walmart (all 4 of us) to get a new TV for in the basement. . . the family trips to Walmart always tend to be adventuresome. Bryce had to go to the bathroom twice! Which I don't understand, I take the kids by myself and he never has to go. Maybe it is b/c I usually move through Walmart at lightening speeds so that there isn't time for tantrums and such, but when you are TV shopping you have no other choice but to browse! Friday morning, a few of my friends from High School came over to visit! We had a great time, as always!! Saturday morning I made BBQ and Cheesy Potatoes and took it over to my mom's for Sunday lunch. Saturday night my parents came and stayed with the kids while Steve and I went to the wedding reception of a friend of mine that I used to work with. Sunday morning we had Baby Dedication at church (Bailey was dedicated). Ryan and Jena and Steve's parents and his sister, Sheila, and her son, Cole were there. Then afterwards, my family went back to my parents to eat the BBQ and potatoes that I made on Saturday! We had a good time. I took the kids home for a nap while Steve stayed and watched the football game with my dad and Ryan! Then in the evening I had Cantata practice at church and then met up with Steve and the kids at his parents for our usual Sunday night gathering there. This morning I did laundry and dealt with a grumpy Bryce (which is understandable considering the busyness of the weekend). Now here I am blogging and checking out eBay (I actually listed a few things this morning - I am a little nervous!!). Bailey is really stuffy again - Steve and I are thinking that she is allergic to Cooper! She cleared up the week that I had the Rainbow and now she is really stuffy again! Now we are thinking a Rainbow is in our near future and the dog may have to live outside come Spring!!! Enjoy the pictures! Bailey actually pushed that toy a few steps before falling to her knees!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Big Girl!!

Bailey started pulling herself up at the sofa a few days ago, but this morning was the first that she had pulled herself up at her crib!!! Needless to say, I immediately lowered the crib to the lowest setting!!! She is also starting to resist naps b/c she sits up and still tries to pull herself up. So this morning we went to Walmart, got quite a few more Christmas gifts crossed off the list! The kids did really well. Bailey is sleeping soundly now, I hope it lasts - yesterday she took 3 short naps and then was ready for bed early. Tonight is AWANA at church, so early to bed isn't an option!!! Well, that is all for now, I really only wanted to post this picture!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the end of the Rainbow

Not much exciting has happened the last few days. I had to return the Rainbow! I used it one last time yesterday. Just as I finished loading it in the back of the Escape we got a phone call from the guy who is helping us finish the basement. He called to let us know he would be here in the morning. . . So yesterday I felt so good about my clean house and today he had to saw out the old windows, so there was a layer of dust everywhere!!!! I think I got most of it but it just isn't the same as being able to see the dirt trapped in the water of the Rainbow!!! What can I say I guess I am a fan of that little machine!!!! This morning I wanted to do some Christmas shopping (my mom offer to keep the kids!!). Since it was Tuesday and I had to drop off Lindsay at preschool at 9 and then pick her up at 11:30 it really didn't leave much time. So I decided to just go to the Lebanon Valley Mall . . . I had coupons for KB Toy, so I figured they would have everything I need to get most of the kids done. Well, they didn't have a single thing on my list which consists of Rescue Heroes, Little People, and Thomas!!! So at that point I didn't have enough time to run to Walmart so I ended up stopping at Big Lots, who had some pretty good deals!!! Tonight the Wolfe's stopped by and our "men" when spotting while Ky and I visited while the kids played! It was fun, it seemed like a while since we had a chance to visit.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mommy Brain!!!

I just need to tell you all about my day yesterday, I sometimes wonder about myself!!!! In the morning I took the kids with me into Lebanon to get my driver's lisence picture taken which went surprisingly well. Then we came home so that Bailey could get her morning nap in. Bryce and I played in the leaves, and the rest of the day progressed well. I got 4 scrapbook pages done while the kids napped and they both woke up around 3:15. We got the mail and there was a postcard from my parents, which Bryce loved! Then I decided to go to Giant for some groceries, Bryce wanted to take the postcard with, that was fine. We got our groceries, put them in the car, returned the cart and got the stroller out, then walked to Big Lots to look for more "potty stickers". They didn't have any, so we went into Eckert and got some there. We were just about back to the car when Bryce said that he lost his postcard in Giant! So I thought we would just retrace our steps in Giant to look for it. Our efforts were fruitless as we came out of the store without a postcard . . . I am hoping that the nice person who finds it puts it back in the mail! Then as we approached the car I reached into my pocket to get my keys and they weren't there!!! I then search the diaperbag, my other pockets and the stroller (I had the double, so there isn't any compartments for them to get lost in). I could not find my keys, so I thought about where they could have dropped out of my pocket with out my knowing. We went into Eckert where Bryce finished his lollipop and I had to stop to clean him up. After retracing our steps in there and at Big Lots and asking at the register of both places, I decided that I only have one more option . . . I had to call Steve. By this time it was 5:00 and Steve said he was getting ready to leave work, however, work was a jobsite an hour and 15 minutes away!!!! So he kept asking me questions as I did a once over in Giant. We were discussing who to call to come get me and the kids b/c my parents are away and his parents don't have any car seats and we only have one spare key to the Escape and it is on his keyring!!! Then it hit me, I tucked them in the stroller's sunvisor thing. So then everything was okay and we headed home. Once at home, I nursed Bailey and then put the groceries away as the kids played downstairs. On one trip back down the steps I noticed that Bailey was on her way up! Yes, that is right, my 7 and a half month old little girl was ready to come up the steps after me!! I couldn't believe it! The rest of the evening went okay, we went to the Wolfe's for dinner and I managed to dump just about the whole bottle of Ranch dressing on Bryce's plate (I just assumed that it had the top with the hole in it - I was wrong!)!! So I believe that was my day, I don't think I left anything out!!! I hope you get a good laugh out of it, I know I do!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

One more thing. . .

I almost forgot to write about this one. On Sunday in church, Steve was doing the soundboard so I sat by myself near the back. Then pretty soon Kylene came and sat with me since Eric had to work. Anyway, through out the entire announcements we had to listen to the people behind us talk. They were older, both single/divorced. However, some of there comments (which we didn't need to strain to hear) were rather interesting! The church presented Pastor Doug and his family with money that was collected during the month of October, this man proceeds to say that he doesn't agree with the whole thing. The pastor has a job and get's paid to do it, just like the rest of us blah, blah, blah! Kylene and I were shocked. At the end of the service, which was over 15 minutes early b/c Pastor Doug wasn't feeling well, they said "Ah, a little over an hour, this is how it should be every week!" Again, we were shocked to hear such comments being made right in church!!!! Ky- if I missed any other good ones please include them in your comment!!

Another year gone by . . .

I am feeling old. . . 28 years to be exact! Somehow my 27th year has slipped by, I don't know where it went but it must have been a quick one!!! I had two surprises today! The first was my bracelet with the kids names on it - I guess this wasn't really a surprise, but I hadn't seen it until this morning! I woke up in a panic at 9:00!!! Cortney spent the night last night, so I went out and found her waking up on the sofa! My two kids were still asleep - though that only lasted a few more minutes. Then out to the kitchen we went to get breakfast and on the table was a little box (wrapped very nicely by the way, Jena). I debated waiting until Steve got home to open it but I couldn't stand the suspense!!! It is beautiful!!! This morning was awesome, the weather is beautiful (68 degrees), so we headed outside and Bryce and Cooper played in the leaves!!! My second surprise came when Bailey woke up from her nap, I went to get her and Oh, my, she had pulled herself up onto her knees and was hanging onto the top of the crib!! My little girl is growing up too fast! It isn't fair, she isn't even 8 months old, she isn't supposed to be doing these things yet! She crawls all over the place and plays with Bryce's toys - it seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital! And Bryce, he is just a jabber box! It is such an awesome thing to see your kids grow and accomplish things at there own pace! And how different can two siblings be, Bryce was such a laid back infant (he still is laid back for the most part) but Bailey has a bit of determination in her!!! I guess she feels that she must keep up with Bryce! My babies are growing up!! Well, I gotta go! I thought you would enjoy the picture of Bailey crawling with Cooper by her side! Enjoy!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Potty Training Fun

So my biggest potty training dilemma is #2!!! And I just don't know what to do . . . I know that he is still young, but he has gone on the potty several times before but since he is wearing his Thomas and Cars underwear he holds it and then says he is sore. I think he feels it coming and then tries to hold it in and then when we get to the potty he can't just go! Help!!!!!! It is so frustrating!

My mom called me from Florida yesterday, they made it safely! I went over to her house and stole her Rainbow Vacuum (okay, so she said I could borrow it) - anyway, I don't know that I am going to give it back to her!! I used it this morning and was shocked at how dirty the water was from the basement! The carpet has only been in for 4 months - if that! And I vacuum at least twice a week! Then I moved on to the upstairs (which is still relatively new (a little over 2 years old)) and was even more shocked. So I informed Steve that we need to get a Rainbow when our vacuum cleaner dies - we checked them out on eBay and they have tons of them!!! So this morning I was very busy cleaning and then Bryce and I made cookies to take with to Woman-to-Woman tonight! He loves to "help" make cookies! Bailey took a 45 minute nap this morning and then was fussy again around 11:15 so I put her down and she is still sleeping, I am shocked - she is going to be so hungry when she wakes up! Well, I better go, I have to find a center piece for my table tonight at Woman-to-Woman and get a shower and figure out what is for dinner . . . sorry no pic's today!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Jumping in the Leaves

Oh what fun a pile of leaves can be!!! On Thursday morning, I noticed that there was a light dusting of leaves in our back yard . . . So I began to rake them and my pile got bigger and bigger and bigger until I had a difficult time moving the pile!!! Bryce loved to jump in them and Cooper runs through the pile full steam ahead!!

Friday morning I was planning to go visit my Nanny in the hospital (she was admitted on Tuesday for test - she has a few blood clots on her lungs) however I called my mom only to find out that she was coming home, which was great news!!!! So Plan B, we went to Babies R Us instead - I needed to get a baby shower gift for my cousin and his wife. While there, I was once again reminded that I am very blessed with my children, they did so good in the store!!! Friday night I stopped in to visit Nanny at home before heading over to my parents to celebrate the October and November birthday's . . . we had a good time, ate 3 different kinds of stromboli (yummy!!!!) and ice cream cake! I got a Whimsy on a Wire Watch from my parents and Steve got some Underarmor cold gear (for hunting and working outside on cold days). For those of you who may not know, Steve and I share the same birthday, 4 years apart - he jokes that he doesn't have a birthday anymore!! It is kinda weird, when he turned 30, I had a party for him and it just felt weird to plan a party when it was my birthday too! Oh, well, I try to make it special for him also.

Today has been rather relaxing other then Bailey not taking good naps (which is normal when she is out late the night before!) I did some laundry and finished "When Joy Came to Stay" by Karen Kingsbury, it was so good - I cried (not just a little, I had tears streaming down my face, my heart just ached for that little girl). It made me wonder how many other little kids are out there like Amanda Joy, I wanted to run out and become a foster parent right away (which I would love to do by the way!). Steve and Bryce played in the pile of leaves, and then while Bryce napped, Steve stained some more trim for in the basement (we will be glad when this project is done but I am sure there will be another one just around the corner!). Tonight Bailey and I went to my cousin's wife's Baby Shower, we picked up my mom. Poor Bailey was so tired, she took a nap on me there and then I put her to bed right when we got home, she was just so tired!! Steve and Bryce accompanied our youth group to Gretna Glen for a hayride . . . I just talked to them and it sounds like Bryce is having a great time!!! Steve was hoping to see lots of deer . . . I am sure I will get the full report when they get home! My mom and dad leave at 3:30 a.m. tomorrow for Florida with Bonnie and Dennis Rhoad so pray that they will have a safe trip! I believe I am going to go and take advantage of the quite time that I have for the next hour (what to do? - scrapbook some or start another Karen Kingsbury book??)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Shopping Alone?!?!

I had such a pleasant time yesterday, shopping alone! Thanks to a wonderful mom, who knows when her daughter just needs a few hours of uninterrupted me-time! My first stop was the Jewelers Bench to get my ring, which is shinier than it has been in probably 6 years! At the outlets I went in The Children's Place and found a few great deals (a purple scort for Bailey for summer $1.49! - too cute - & sunglasses for Bryce for $.49). Carter's had 50% off most of there stuff, so I bought Bailey 3 outfits for winter 9-12 month, I don't know how I overlooked that size, but I have nothing for her to wear next!!! They were $8 for an outfit - top and pants, not to bad. At Tommy Hilfiger I got her this adorable corduroy long sleeve dress type jacketish thing - pink of coarse, $8.80 (reg $36) and I actually got 2 T-shirts for myself there (my collection is starting to look pretty ratty!). I found a pair of Nike sneakers for Steve at Famous Footwear or whatever it is called for $30 - he was excited to get something out of my trip I usually get so carried away shopping for the kids I forget about us! So it was a good day and knowing that the kids were at home sound asleep with my wonderful mom to care for them when they got up made the trip all the more relaxing!!!!! (Thanks a bunch mom, I love you!!!) Sorry no picture today, I put Bailey down for her nap at 8:45 and Bryce is actually still asleep (amazing for 9:10!!)!!!! Thank goodness my bro-in-law Scott called and said that he would be taking Lindsay to preschool today, otherwise I guess I would have had to call on my sis-in-law Lawanda to drop her off with Devin!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick-or-Treat & more!!!

Yesterday was just too exciting, I had no energy left to post last night!!! We had Lindsay, so we picked her up from preschool as usual, then came home, had lunch and put Bryce and Bailey down for naps. Then I painted Lindsay fingernails so that she could be a princess for Halloween (I look forward to when Bryce and Bailey are as into Trick-or-Treat as much as Lindsay is!), fun times - she is ALL GIRL!!! Bailey reached another big milestone yesterday, she pushed herself from her belly to sitting up! It all just goes by way too fast at this stage in their little lives!!! Steve came home from work early so that we could eat before we headed out trick-or-treating! We had hamburgers on the grill since it was so nice out (easy clean up too)! Then we went to the neighbors, Mr & Mrs Reidel's (Josh, Tawn and Drake were there), Grandma Merle's, Mawmaw & Papa's (where we got to see the Hostetter clan and Bryce's buddy Jared) , Grandma Messner's , and the final stop was Grammy & Pappaw's for yummy apple pie and to see the other McFeaters' kids dressed up!! It really doesn't seem like a whole lot of stops, but it is really exhausting getting a 2 year old and a 7 month old in and out of car seats, and then Steve and I have such a great gift to gab - it can make for a long evening! As you can see in the picture that I posted, Bryce was Bob the Builder (we did get him to sing the theme song a few times) and Bailey was an angel (at least she looked like one - she didn't really enjoy getting in and out of her car seat so I just held her between some of the stops)! Needless to say it was after 9:30 til we got home and got the kids to bed! Bryce and I gave Cooper a much needed bath this morning! This afternoon, while the kids take there naps, my mom is coming over to stay with the kids so that I can go shopping up at the Hershey outlets!!! I am so excited! I got a call that my ring is fixed, so I am going to swing by the jeweler's to pick that up also!!!! I'll let you know if I find any good deals at the outlets!