Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Reuben Dogs & Tractor Fun!

In case anyone else is also curious about Reuben Dogs here is what they are: cut up hot dog and lay on a plate, layer with sauerkraut, Thousand Island Dressing and Swiss Cheese, then microwave for about a minute or more until the cheese is melted . . . very, very yummy!!!!

Yesterday I had Lindsay and after preschool I took Devin home and since I would have had to pick him up again at 4:00 for a sleepover at my mom's with Bryce, he just grabbed his overnight bag and came home with me to play with Lindsay for the afternoon. After Lindsay left and both Bailey and Bryce were up from there naps we were all outside and Bailey climbed up on Bryce's John Deere tractor and figured out that when you press the pedal, it goes!!! She loved it . . . she thought it was the greatest thing in the world. It was so funny to watch this little girl love the tractor at such a young age, when Bryce really doesn't ride it. The last time he did, he drove it straight into the dog kennel ~ I think it scarred him b/c he hasn't ridden it since (and boy do I try to get him to!)