Saturday, January 27, 2007


The other day I gave Bailey her first Bitter Biscuit . . . and she loved it!!! At first she wasn't too sure but then she just went to town! As you can see in the picture she had it in her nose, between her fingers and all over her face and hands!!! Not very fun to clean up, but she had a blast eating it! Somehow my life has become very hectic lately! Maybe it was the "stress" of getting Bailey's scrapbook caught up, I don't know. But I have really felt like I don't have any time lately!!!! I do have Bailey's scrapbook done through October, so I am only 3 months behind now. At least I feel like I am not so far behind anymore. Last night, Steve and I went to eat at Red Lobster with Kylene and Eric . . . no kids!!! It was rather pleasant! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but it was nice to not have to cut anyones food or try to get them to eat just a little bit more!!!! I went to Sunset Outlet on Wednesday (with the kids) and they had Boys Pull-Ups $8.99 for 44 which was a good price, then I had coupons for $2 off. So I ended up paying only $6.99 per pack (I bought 6 packs!!!) I was so excited!! Such odd things that a mother gets excited over!! Well, I just felt like it has been a while since my last post, but for now I must go to bed! 10:00 Saturday night and I am exhausted!! Til next time. . .

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Home "Alone" & Picture Fun!!

First on the "Home Alone" - Steve had to go to Buffalo to work over night for 2 nights, Tuesday and Wednesday, so I am "home alone" with the kids. It has actually been okay. Bryce has been a Daddy's boy lately so I was not thrilled about this whole overnight for 2 nights thing!!!! But Bryce has actually handled it very well so far. Of coarse, that could all change if he wakes up from his nap crying for daddy!!! Bailey hasn't been feeling well lately and has had a low grade fever off and on since Monday. Last night, she was up several times and I gave her medicine, it made for a long night without Steve to take his turn!!! This morning Bryce was playing so well by himself and Bailey took a good nap so that allowed me to get another page done in Bailey's scrapbook!!! I am now up to 8 weeks old for her!!!! I know . . . How pathetic!!! Anyway, this afternoon Bryce and Bailey are sleeping very well again, so I went through all the pictures I have printed out. I pulled all of the ones out for Bailey's scrapbook and dated them, so I can get my butt in gear and have her book caught up for her 1st birthday party, which will be here in 2 months!!!!! I was quite disappointed in myself for the lack of pictures that I have of Bailey - it seems like a lot less then I had for Bryce!!! I guess that is normal, but I still feel bad. So now I will probably scrapbook every picture that I have of her, just to make it look like I took the same amount of pictures!!! I will have to get Bailey's book caught up b/c I would really like to get Bryce's caught up also, I don't even have his 2nd birthday done! Oh, well, that is what winter is for, right??? I thought I would put this picture in of Bryce doing his Thomas puzzle! He is on a puzzle kick right now and I am surprised at how well he does with them. He is a bright little boy! When he wants to do a puzzle he usually brings it to me and says "Mommy, I do my puzzle wifou you, myfels" (translation - I do my puzzle without you, myself)!!! Ya gotta love what your kids come up with!!! And on that note, I am going to take advantage of my still quiet house and scrap some more!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Busy Week

Once again it has been over a week since my last post. Thursday Bailey had her 9 months well baby check up. She weighed 19 lbs 3 oz and measured 28-1/2 inches. On Friday night we went to see Sesame Street Live. Bryce seemed to like it but I was surprised that Bailey sat on my lap for almost the entire first half and just bounced up and down and flapped her arms in excitement! Bryce has been fighting a cold for a while now. He is congested and coughs a lot. He has been sleeping in really late (with the exception of Monday when he was up for the day at 4:45!). Other then cleaning, laundry, and that fun stuff, there isn't too much going on here. I included this picture of Bailey - no, she isn't walking quite yet. She has taken 3 steps at a time but that is about it! She stands by herself for a long time, so she has the balance down, she just needs to get her little legs going!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Time Flies!

Well, since it has been such a long time since my last post I'll just hit a few of the highlights. Christmas was good! Bryce got Thomas Trains which he loves! Bailey got the Little People Sweet Sounds Home, she actually plays with it more then I thought she would yet - not in the same way that Bryce would but she likes the people and to press the buttons!!! I would like to post some pictures, but I am not sure if it will work. I actually posted earlier today and when I went to publish it that cannot find server page came up. . . how frustrating! So hopefully it works now. Anyway, our New Years was nice. We had a small party with a few of our friends that have kids close to our kids ages, we had a really good time! Bryce and his two buddies, Braden & Jared, stayed up til midnight to bring in the new year! Bryce went to bed around 12:30 after our guests left and slept until 11:20 Monday morning! I wasn't sure if he would nap, so I didn't even try. Instead, I sent him to bed early (8:00) Monday night and he slept until 9:20 this morning and then took a 3 hours nap. He is very pleasant and doesn't act tired, he has handled the holidays very well, I am quite proud of him!!! Bailey took her first step in 2006, that is right, she took one step on New Year's Eve!!!! Then this afternoon when I was taking her back to her room for a nap she waved bye-bye to Bryce!
This morning my mom had a bunion removed from her foot, so we took dinner over and "baby-sat" while my dad went to a meeting this evening. (She wasn't supposed to be left alone for 24 hours after the surgery). She is doing pretty well, she has pretty much pain and the pain medication makes her a little bit drowsy but she really seemed to be doing a lot better then I expected! So, keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery! Well, gotta go . . . hopefully it won't be this long between posts again!!!