Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm Back!

Since my last post was over 6 months ago, I really don't know where to start. Though I must say that when I looked over my last few posts, I was relieved that I am beyond that point in Bryce's scrapbook!

Over the past 6 months we have been on many camping adventures (since we bought a pop-up in June), we went to the beach with my family (always a great time), and we got a swing set for the kids (they LOVE it!)! Now that you are up to speed on our lives (yeah!) . . .

I just had to post these pictures of the kids in the snow! Last night we got home from Steve's parents about 9:15 (which is later then normal!) and Bryce was so excited (His exact words sounded more like "I am sho exshited") about the snow. So Steve told him that we would put his boots on and he could go out with Cooper.
Needless to say, it was 10:45 til they came in and Bryce announced that they built a snowman named Frosty (I didn't have any carrots for the nose, so Frosty has a gourd for a nose!)! Notice in the picture that Bryce is holding Frosty's hand! This afternoon after naps, I bundled both the kids up and we went outside for a little bit. Bailey looked like a ball all bundled up! They both loved the snow and didn't seem to mind the cold . . . so if it snows this winter we should have fun!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Reuben Dogs & Tractor Fun!

In case anyone else is also curious about Reuben Dogs here is what they are: cut up hot dog and lay on a plate, layer with sauerkraut, Thousand Island Dressing and Swiss Cheese, then microwave for about a minute or more until the cheese is melted . . . very, very yummy!!!!

Yesterday I had Lindsay and after preschool I took Devin home and since I would have had to pick him up again at 4:00 for a sleepover at my mom's with Bryce, he just grabbed his overnight bag and came home with me to play with Lindsay for the afternoon. After Lindsay left and both Bailey and Bryce were up from there naps we were all outside and Bailey climbed up on Bryce's John Deere tractor and figured out that when you press the pedal, it goes!!! She loved it . . . she thought it was the greatest thing in the world. It was so funny to watch this little girl love the tractor at such a young age, when Bryce really doesn't ride it. The last time he did, he drove it straight into the dog kennel ~ I think it scarred him b/c he hasn't ridden it since (and boy do I try to get him to!)

Friday, April 20, 2007

This one is for you, Jena!

I know, I know. It has been FOREVER since I posted last, but since Jena tagged me on this survey thing, I can't disappoint her!!! Somehow life has gotten extremely busy. Now that April 15 (or in this years case 17) is over, I now have nap time and after bed time back ~ no more working on tax returns (except for 2 amended returns). In the past 2 months since my last post, a lot of exciting things have happened. Bailey turned 1 ~ I can't believe my baby is a year old! And I decided to become a Tastefully Simple Consultant ~ so far it is pretty fun!!! (If you would like to have a party, let me know!!) I have also agreed to co-direct Vacation Bible School this year. I am on the committee to plan my 10 year class reunion ~ which is keeping me very busy! More recently though, Bailey was sick this past weekend, vomiting ~ Poor thing. And now, she has a few chicken pox from her vaccine 2 weeks ago. Luckily, they don't seem to bother her! I included the most recent picture of Bryce and Bailey together, which is sad since it is over a month old!! And now, on to the Survey!

1. How old will you be in 10 months? 29
2.Do you think you'll be married by then? Yes, I hope to STILL be married!
3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? Hot Weather & the beach
4. Who was the last person you called? Mom
5. Who was the last person to call you? Lawanda
6. Do you prefer to call or text? call
7. Do you have any pets? A dog named Cooper
8. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married
9. When is the last time you saw your mom? About 10 minutes ago when she dropped off Bryce ~ She called before I arrived at Giant, she was in the parking lot and wanted to know if he wanted to go with her to Kmart. Then of coarse she took him to McDonald's for lunch!
10. How many states have you lived in? 1 ~ Good old PA
11. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet ~ part of why I love summer!
12. Are you a social person? Yes
13. What was the last thing you ate? Reuben Dog's ~ yummy!
14. What is your favorite ice cream? Chocolate Marshmallow
15. What is your favorite dessert? Brownie's, Chocolate Chip Cookies, pretty much anything will do!
16. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Homemade strawberry
17. Do you like coffee? Yes
18. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average? 2-3
19. What do you drink in the morning? Coffee
20. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? with Steve
21. Do you know how to play poker? Nope
22. Do you like to cuddle? No
23. Have you ever been to Canada? No
24. Do you eat out or at home more often? At home
25. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? yes, my hubby! He is 4 years older.
26. Do you speak any other languages? No
27. Have you ever gotten stitches? Yes ~ wisdom teeth & childbirth
28. Have you ever been in an ambulance? No
29. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? Love the beach, but love the pool more then the actual ocean!
30. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? Window
31. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Once upon a time, yes. I guess it would come back to me.
32. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Photo developing, kids clothes, scrap booking supplies
33. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? Yes
34. What is your favorite TV show(s)? I have no idea, we catch Deal or No Deal every once in a while. The TV isn't on very often.
35. Can you roll your tongue? Yep
36. Who is the funniest person you know? Oh, my, I don't know ~ I guess it would be Steve, he can be pretty funny!
37. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? Yes, my nanny had a dress hand smocked for me. I wore it in my 1 year pictures and just recently had Bailey's 1 year picture taken in it.
38. What is the color of your bedroom walls? Light Blue ~ but if you ask Steve, he might say white!
39. Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? Sometimes
40. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed? Don't know!
41. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? bees
42. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? BBQ Sauce
43. Can you change the oil on a car? No, though I have begged my dad to teach me how ~ he never would!
44. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Oh, yes, several ~ I think 3, though I have gotten out of a lot more!!!
So there you have it. Jena is the only person I know that blogs, so I guess I can't really tag anyone . . . though if you would like to continue on through email, I would love to see everyone's answers!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bowling Fun!

Well, here it is almost 2 weeks again since my last post. I have been trying to keep these kids of mine healthy! Bryce has been fighting a cold for the past week and now Bailey has a cold, on top of getting her first tooth! On Sunday, Steve's niece, Lindsay, had a birthday party at the bowling alley. We decided to take Bryce and leave Bailey at home with MawMaw and Papa! Bryce had so much fun bowling! And he did really well, he was close to beating me until I got a spare in the 10th frame (FYI ~ I am a pathetic bowler!!).

Bailey is quite the dare-devil these days! The other day she climbed up on her little rocking chair and stood up on it and rocked back and forth. She usually doesn't hurt herself when she falls, so I took a moment to grab the camera and take a picture. After she did that twice and discovered that she wasn't going to get away with doing it, she decided to go climb up on Bryce's Little People Ramps Around Garage. Not only did she somehow get herself on it, she stood up on it also! All this from an 11 month old! She is going to keep me on my toes!
Till next time . . . (hopefully it won't be another 2 weeks!)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day, Steve!

I am going to steel Jena' idea (who stole it from one of her friends) and do a little post about my husband on Valentine's Day. Here are a few things that I love and appreciate about Steve, in random order:
1. He puts my needs above his ~ we were outgrowing our vehicles, his truck more then the Escape, but after discussing the problems and solutions decided that we would replace the Escape first (more for my convenience then a need)!
2. He is a kid at heart ~ he is so good with the kids, he isn't really into the whole newborn and diaper things, but after they are 6 months old and have clean diapers, watch out! He encourages creativity with Bryce (which is great b/c I have none!). Steve is forever making up songs about the silliest things and already at 2 and a half Bryce will be sitting and playing singing an original song!!
3. He doesn't mind doing laundry ~ I don't really enjoy folding laundry, he often pitches in and helps me. Also, if he needs something that is dirty, he doesn't ask me to do it, he just gathers enough for a load and does it on his own!
4. He allows me to do things that he "should" do ~ I love to put stuff together (like our desk) and he knows that. So while he wouldn't mind doing it, he just lets me go ahead and do it b/c he knows I will be proud of myself. . . then when I show him he gets all gushy and says I'm cute!
5. He doesn't take a minute for himself when he gets home from work ~ Usually I am making dinner when he walks in the door, so he always takes the time to play with the kids (usually allowing Bryce to "help" him change cloths!) or feed Bailey, whatever it is I need him to do at the moment!

And those are a few of the reasons I love my husband . . . the list could go on. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ear Infections :( & Soccer Mom???

Bailey got her first ear infection . . . odd how it started the same day that I quit breastfeeding her!! On Friday afternoon, she didn't really seem herself and her head felt pretty warm. So we gave her Tylenol. Then on Saturday she woke up pretty congested and she slept a lot. Sunday, Steve stayed home from church with her & Bryce b/c he (Bryce) was a sleepyhead and only woke up at 9:40 ~ I had long since left for Sunday School!!! Sunday night we were over at Steve's parents and Bailey was really clingy and fussy and she just kept getting warmer and warmer, so we came home around 7:30 and she had a fever of 102.5. I gave her Tylenol again and just held her in a onsie until she didn't feel so warm, then I dressed her for bed, she did sleep pretty well then. I took her to the doctor this morning and he said that she definitely has an ear infection in her right ear. I was pretty surprised though when she weighed in at 21 lbs 4 oz (with clothing, but still!)! At her 9 month appt she was 19 lbs 4 oz and I figured that she would probably be right around 20 lbs at her 1 year check up (which is still another month and a half away) (since she is walking, and on the move ~ full speed ahead!)! I remember Bryce only gained a half of a pound from his 9 month appt to his 1 year appt ~ I guess he worked off his baby fat, where she didn't really have much!!!

Anyway, now on to the Soccer Mom issue! And odd how I am excited about this. We traded in the Escape for a minivan! Yep - that is right, we picked up our Chrysler Town and Country tonight! Now I can haul all of the "neighborhood" kids around in it!!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures . . . Bryce being silly, as usual! In the top he is holding Bailey's "Baby Bailey" and rocking her like mommy rocks Bailey. He has just rediscovered sunglasses and is very much into wearing them when it is "sunny out"! In the bottom picture he wanted them on one afternoon while he was playing on the windowsill and it was "sunny in my eye's, mom!" He looked so goofy, I had to take a picture!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


The other day I gave Bailey her first Bitter Biscuit . . . and she loved it!!! At first she wasn't too sure but then she just went to town! As you can see in the picture she had it in her nose, between her fingers and all over her face and hands!!! Not very fun to clean up, but she had a blast eating it! Somehow my life has become very hectic lately! Maybe it was the "stress" of getting Bailey's scrapbook caught up, I don't know. But I have really felt like I don't have any time lately!!!! I do have Bailey's scrapbook done through October, so I am only 3 months behind now. At least I feel like I am not so far behind anymore. Last night, Steve and I went to eat at Red Lobster with Kylene and Eric . . . no kids!!! It was rather pleasant! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but it was nice to not have to cut anyones food or try to get them to eat just a little bit more!!!! I went to Sunset Outlet on Wednesday (with the kids) and they had Boys Pull-Ups $8.99 for 44 which was a good price, then I had coupons for $2 off. So I ended up paying only $6.99 per pack (I bought 6 packs!!!) I was so excited!! Such odd things that a mother gets excited over!! Well, I just felt like it has been a while since my last post, but for now I must go to bed! 10:00 Saturday night and I am exhausted!! Til next time. . .

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Home "Alone" & Picture Fun!!

First on the "Home Alone" - Steve had to go to Buffalo to work over night for 2 nights, Tuesday and Wednesday, so I am "home alone" with the kids. It has actually been okay. Bryce has been a Daddy's boy lately so I was not thrilled about this whole overnight for 2 nights thing!!!! But Bryce has actually handled it very well so far. Of coarse, that could all change if he wakes up from his nap crying for daddy!!! Bailey hasn't been feeling well lately and has had a low grade fever off and on since Monday. Last night, she was up several times and I gave her medicine, it made for a long night without Steve to take his turn!!! This morning Bryce was playing so well by himself and Bailey took a good nap so that allowed me to get another page done in Bailey's scrapbook!!! I am now up to 8 weeks old for her!!!! I know . . . How pathetic!!! Anyway, this afternoon Bryce and Bailey are sleeping very well again, so I went through all the pictures I have printed out. I pulled all of the ones out for Bailey's scrapbook and dated them, so I can get my butt in gear and have her book caught up for her 1st birthday party, which will be here in 2 months!!!!! I was quite disappointed in myself for the lack of pictures that I have of Bailey - it seems like a lot less then I had for Bryce!!! I guess that is normal, but I still feel bad. So now I will probably scrapbook every picture that I have of her, just to make it look like I took the same amount of pictures!!! I will have to get Bailey's book caught up b/c I would really like to get Bryce's caught up also, I don't even have his 2nd birthday done! Oh, well, that is what winter is for, right??? I thought I would put this picture in of Bryce doing his Thomas puzzle! He is on a puzzle kick right now and I am surprised at how well he does with them. He is a bright little boy! When he wants to do a puzzle he usually brings it to me and says "Mommy, I do my puzzle wifou you, myfels" (translation - I do my puzzle without you, myself)!!! Ya gotta love what your kids come up with!!! And on that note, I am going to take advantage of my still quiet house and scrap some more!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Busy Week

Once again it has been over a week since my last post. Thursday Bailey had her 9 months well baby check up. She weighed 19 lbs 3 oz and measured 28-1/2 inches. On Friday night we went to see Sesame Street Live. Bryce seemed to like it but I was surprised that Bailey sat on my lap for almost the entire first half and just bounced up and down and flapped her arms in excitement! Bryce has been fighting a cold for a while now. He is congested and coughs a lot. He has been sleeping in really late (with the exception of Monday when he was up for the day at 4:45!). Other then cleaning, laundry, and that fun stuff, there isn't too much going on here. I included this picture of Bailey - no, she isn't walking quite yet. She has taken 3 steps at a time but that is about it! She stands by herself for a long time, so she has the balance down, she just needs to get her little legs going!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Time Flies!

Well, since it has been such a long time since my last post I'll just hit a few of the highlights. Christmas was good! Bryce got Thomas Trains which he loves! Bailey got the Little People Sweet Sounds Home, she actually plays with it more then I thought she would yet - not in the same way that Bryce would but she likes the people and to press the buttons!!! I would like to post some pictures, but I am not sure if it will work. I actually posted earlier today and when I went to publish it that cannot find server page came up. . . how frustrating! So hopefully it works now. Anyway, our New Years was nice. We had a small party with a few of our friends that have kids close to our kids ages, we had a really good time! Bryce and his two buddies, Braden & Jared, stayed up til midnight to bring in the new year! Bryce went to bed around 12:30 after our guests left and slept until 11:20 Monday morning! I wasn't sure if he would nap, so I didn't even try. Instead, I sent him to bed early (8:00) Monday night and he slept until 9:20 this morning and then took a 3 hours nap. He is very pleasant and doesn't act tired, he has handled the holidays very well, I am quite proud of him!!! Bailey took her first step in 2006, that is right, she took one step on New Year's Eve!!!! Then this afternoon when I was taking her back to her room for a nap she waved bye-bye to Bryce!
This morning my mom had a bunion removed from her foot, so we took dinner over and "baby-sat" while my dad went to a meeting this evening. (She wasn't supposed to be left alone for 24 hours after the surgery). She is doing pretty well, she has pretty much pain and the pain medication makes her a little bit drowsy but she really seemed to be doing a lot better then I expected! So, keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery! Well, gotta go . . . hopefully it won't be this long between posts again!!!