Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Another Busy Weekend

Another extremely busy weekend just flew by! Friday night we had the Custer Family Gathering, we always meet at the nursing home on 934 and Christmas Carol then go to the Ono Fire hall for goodies . . . it always gets late but is fun. As we were packing up to leave Bailey got sick. She was fast asleep on my shoulder and all the sudden threw up all over my shoulder and on the floor. When we had that just about cleaned up, I was holding her on my chest and she got me drenched the next time! I was so glad we only live a mile away!!! Thankfully, that was the sickest that Bailey ever got! She didn't throw up anymore and seemed fine the next day, other then being tired. Saturday was our wedding anniversary, six years! We had Steve's work Christmas Party that night. It was at the Antique Auto Museum in Hershey, pretty nice! Sunday was the kids Christmas Program at church, which my kids aren't in yet however it is fun to see all the kids that we teach throughout the year!! Monday morning Bailey had an appointment at the Picture People to get her 9 month pictures taken. During the session, I didn't think she did all that well; however, the pictures that we got back were awesome (and I wasn't buying many b/c I figured I had just sent out Christmas Cards to everyone!)! There new digital setup is the best, they can crop and the screen is so huge, you can see all the details to know what your picture is going to really look like! Anyway, of coarse, I had to scan these and include them in my post today - probably not legal, don't snitch on me please!!! Isn't she just adorable=:) (Gee, I'm not proud am I??)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last night we did not go to AWANA b/c Bryce was sick and Steve only got home from work at 7:00. I put Bailey to bed at 8:00, then headed to church for cantata practice at 8:30. After that I made a Walmart run. We needed more Pedialyte and a few other things. I got home around 11:30, I was exhausted since I was up at 5 AM which I am not used to!

This morning Bryce woke up feeling better. He drank alot but didn't really want anything to eat until lunch. Mid morning, he told me that he had to pee, so we went to the bathroom and he said he wanted to stand . . . okay, he has done this before, and it isn't too bad. Well, he had to pee alot and with so much force that he couldn't really control his aim, he had pee on the wall, the cupboard, the floor, running down his own leg and yet a surprising amount actually made it in his potty! So, needless to say, he got a bath, and I cleaned that mess up. This afternoon, I made cookies and I just finished mixing up the icing when Cooper wanted out, so I opened the door and let her out. Meanwhile, I began to icing the cookies. About halfway through, I went to let Cooper in and she was muddy! So I wrapped her up in the towel that I had laying at the door to wipe her feet on (since it was damp out today) and carried her back to the tub. Just as I put Cooper in the tub, I hear Bailey dump Coopers food dish on the floor . . . So I told Bryce to stand at the tub and not to let Cooper out (yeah, right) while I go get Bailey. So I rushed out to the kitchen and scooped Bailey up in my arms, only to rush back and meet Cooper in the doorway of the bathroom. Somehow, I stopped Cooper before she got to the carpet without dropping Bailey! Then with Bryce on one side of me and Bailey on the other, I proceeded to give Cooper a bath. Bathtime for Cooper was over and I discovered that all her towels were downstair (emergency baths don't usually happen), so I dried her off with the "cleaner" side of the towel that I was using to dry her feet off with all day and had just carried her back to the bathroom in!!!! She is a dog, it doesn't really matter, right? At least she wasn't muddy anymore! After that I continued preparing dinner only to find out that Steve would be home late (9ish). Had I known, I would have made something other then sausage and Brocooli Alfredo! Oh, well, the good news is that Steve is going to eat it when he gets home. Sometime when he is working that late, they stop and get something on the way home - I guess he liked the sound of dinner!!! (I don't want him to starve or anything, but I don't want to slave away for myself and a 2 year old that is just getting his appetite back!) Well, I gotta go nurse Bailey and put her to bed, then after that Bryce is going to bed early also. I have had enough!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

More on Bodily Fluids!

Yeah, just when you think it can't get any worse . . . your 2-1/2 year old gets sick!!!! Bryce was up at 5 am this morning throwing up. He threw up 4-5 times between 5 and 8! Then again around 9:30 and 1:15! I feel so bad for him. If you recall how it feels as an adult to be sick, when you are done vomiting, you just want to curl up on the bathroom floor and go to sleep. However, as an adult you can usually muster up the strength to make your way to the sofa or back to bed! Bryce just curled up in my lap (I was sitting on the bathroom floor to help him hit the toilet - he did surprisingly well!) and closed his big brown eyes. . . it just melted my heart that I could not make this illness go away, I could only help him cope the best I knew how! So that pretty much summed up my day. At least I got the floors mopped! Bryce is now asleep on the sofa, since 5:45! Who knows how long he will stay asleep, I just hope that he can sleep better tonight. Even though he rested all day he only slept 1 hour and 20 minutes b/c he just didn't feel good! Poor Bryce! I hope that tomorrow he feels better!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Nap Time, Bodily Fluids & Santa

What exciting stuff since Friday . . . Bryce is boycotting naps - something that I am not ready for him to give up yet. Friday he was in bed talking to himself for about 2 hours. I finally decided to give him 15 more minutes and then I was going to go get him up. But he fell asleep, then an hour later I had to wake him up b/c we had our Adult Christmas Party at church and some of the youth were going to watch the kids upstairs. Then Saturday he laid in bed for about 2 hours and I went and got him b/c it was getting too late for him to fall asleep. Sunday we had the extended family McFeaters gathering at Levitz Park and til we got home it was 3:45 and he was really tired, so he did end up falling asleep within a half hour of when we put him down. I just don't know what to do about the whole nap thing. Do I make him have a "quiet time" in his room for a specific amount of time or what??? Any suggestions would be great!!! So far I am planning on continuing to make him "rest" for a little after lunch and I guess if he doesn't fall asleep, I'll have to let him get up. When he falls asleep too late, he isn't tired for bed and then it is frustration again at bed time!!! HELP!!!!!!

On to more fun things. . .at the McFeaters family gathering yesterday they had a Santa to give the kids gifts. Bryce wanted to see him so bad and seemed rather excited when Santa came in the door. But when Santa called his name and I took Bryce up to get his present, he just clung to me for a little bit. Pretty soon though he relaxed and was able to stand next to Santa for a picture!!! Bailey didn't care, I think she liked all the hair!!! In the morning we went to see Steve's neice and nephew's Christmas play at Trinity UMC and Bryce actually went into there nursary and played willingly!!! No tears or anything!!!

This morning I had to take Cooper to the vet for her shots (we are a little behind), she did really well on the way there and while we were there she was really good. But . . . on the way back home she got car sick! So I penned her outside and came inside to get stuff to clean the car out and my mom (who came to stay with the kids(I am not crazy, I would never take a toddler, and an infant with to the dog's vet appointment - unless I had too!!)) said that Bryce pooped on the carpet twice (he had been a little loose, but it hasn't been as bad - I don't know what his problem was). So I finished cleaning up after Bryce and then went outside to clean up after Cooper. Then my mom left and I was carrying Bailey and she spit up on me . . . I could have screamed!!!!
Bryce is fast asleep, he only talked for 10 or 15 minutes! However, now Bailey is up there crying after only sleeping for 35 minutes!!!! If it isn't one, it is the other!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Shopping and Bathtime Fun!

Well, I did manage to get a picture of the kids for the Christmas Card . . . what an ordeal!!! This morning my mom came back at 8:00 to stay with the kids while I did some "last minute" Christmas shopping (Thanks, Mom!!)! First I had to go to Sam's Club to get the Christmas Cards made, then I made a few other stops until I was at Babies-R-Us. I bought Bailey's Christmas dress, and Easter dress (the Easter dress was on sale and way to cute!!). It was a little after noon when I got home. My mom stayed and had lunch with us then Bryce (who has had loose bowels lately) had a little accident in his pants. Well, I told my mom not to bother putting clean clothing on him, I will give him a bath. Well, no 2 minutes later, he pooped on the carpet, totally gross but I felt bad for him b/c it really was a accident. (He also probably thought he was going to get beat b/c that is what happens to Cooper when she poops on the carpet!!) Anyway, I then put both kids in the tub together and they had a blast! They were splashing each other and were both laughing so hard - they made me giggle!!! Anyway, I gotta go do some laundry and tell Bryce to stop talking, lay down, and go to sleep!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Here are the pictures I tried to upload yesterday and for some reason it wouldn't let me. Bryce is mostly the problem in picture taking this year . . . he has that cheesy smile!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Haircut & Picture Fun

Once again it is Wednesday and I finally have the opportunity to post. Life is so hectic this time of year, however it is slowing down a bit. This past weekend wasn't too busy, we had a dinner with our Sunday School Class on Saturday night, very fun!!! Monday night I had Woman-to-Woman at church, which was enjoyable, as always!! Last night, I gave Steve and Bryce haircuts, which was interesting . . . Steve would not sit still. No really, it was Bryce!!! I have always cut Bryce's hair during the day and he doesn't really like it very much, but he does okay. Well, this time I decided to wait until evening so that Steve could play with Bailey and she wouldn't wake up in the middle of the haircut or start screaming or whatever. I just thought that would be the easiest way. Boy was I wrong!!!! Bryce screamed and wouldn't sit and was reaching up at his hair, so Steve ended up holding Bryce's head almost still while I cut! Bryce screamed, Bailey was screaming from her walker because Bryce was screaming! It was just not a good time. Then this morning I noticed a few spots that I missed with the clippers, so after Bailey was down for her nap, I stripped Bryce down and put him in the tub (the tub was empty!) and away we went again. . . only this time he did much better!!! No screaming!!!! Over the past few days I have been snapping pictures of the kids in hopes to get a good one for the Christmas Card. You can see for yourself how that is going! I would love to get one with the dog in also, but I think if I can get a good one of just the kids, I'll have to go with it - I am going to SAM'S on Friday morning, so they have to be done by then!!! Yesterday, they were doing pretty well and then Bailey crawled over my legs and tumbled onto one of Bryce's trains so her eye was a little red a puffy for a while. Hopefully Bailey wakes up happy and Bryce stays in a pleasant mood so that we can get a good picture this morning! Well, I gotta go - I need to read over my lesson for Sparks yet and get some props ready for Picture Time! Okay, sorry no pictures for now . . . I can't upload them for some reason. It says my request is being denied!?!