Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm Back!

Since my last post was over 6 months ago, I really don't know where to start. Though I must say that when I looked over my last few posts, I was relieved that I am beyond that point in Bryce's scrapbook!

Over the past 6 months we have been on many camping adventures (since we bought a pop-up in June), we went to the beach with my family (always a great time), and we got a swing set for the kids (they LOVE it!)! Now that you are up to speed on our lives (yeah!) . . .

I just had to post these pictures of the kids in the snow! Last night we got home from Steve's parents about 9:15 (which is later then normal!) and Bryce was so excited (His exact words sounded more like "I am sho exshited") about the snow. So Steve told him that we would put his boots on and he could go out with Cooper.
Needless to say, it was 10:45 til they came in and Bryce announced that they built a snowman named Frosty (I didn't have any carrots for the nose, so Frosty has a gourd for a nose!)! Notice in the picture that Bryce is holding Frosty's hand! This afternoon after naps, I bundled both the kids up and we went outside for a little bit. Bailey looked like a ball all bundled up! They both loved the snow and didn't seem to mind the cold . . . so if it snows this winter we should have fun!